Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Breaking News, A Maldivian Atheist ( Ismail Mohamed ) committed suicide

އެއާރޕޯޓް ޓަވަރުމަތިން ފުންމާލައިގެން މީހަކު ދަންޖެހިއްޖެއެވެ.
މިބްލޮގްގައި ހުރި ފޮޓޯތައް މިހާރު މިވަނީ ޑިލީޓް ކުރެވިފައި

މީނާ ދަންޖެހިފައިވަނީ ކަރުގައި ވާގަނޑެއް އައްސައި ޓަވަރުން ފުންމާލައިގެންކަމަށް ހަބަރު ލިބެއެވެ. މިމީހާ ދަންޖެހިފައިވަނީ ރޭފަތިހުގެ ވަގުތެއްގައި ކަމަށް މިހާތަނަށް އެނގިފައިވެއެވެ. ދަންޖެހުނު މީހާއަކީ އެއާރޕޯޓްގައި މަސައްކަތް ކުރާ އިސްމާއިލް މުހައްމަދު ދީދީ އެވެ. މިހާތަނަށް މިމީހާ އާއި ބެހޭ މާބޮޑު މައުޟޫމާތެއް ލިބިފައެއްނުވެއެވެ

His latest posts from his facebook

Ismail Mohamed: CITIZEN INSANE

Ismail Mohamed: amazing race

Ismail Mohamed: Silence

Ismail Mohamed: Im stil gay btw

Figu Figure:i thought u were bi-

Razan Abdul Shakoor : hahhaha isse you already told us
Mohamed Yoosuf: dude,he stole ur fone again??keke
Fazyna Aminath: this isnt news for us....but I guess it helps to let the whole world know

Ismail Mohamed: momentarily stolen and meddled with!!!balaabodey!!

Ismail Mohamed: burying the love of your beauty

Ismail Mohamed: slow goodbye

Ismail Mohamed: this is just a nightmare

soon i'm gonna wake up
someone's gonna bring me round

Ismail Mohamed: i'd prefer dying in a ditch

Ismail Mohamed: dance with the devil

Ismail Mohamed: u knw im gay, im gay,u knw it,and the whole world has to answer right now just to tel u once again,whose gay?ReadMore


    Not go scurrying around in dead peoples facebook profiles and what not and making and issue out of everything!
    He Died! Period.
    So let that be it!
    Don't make this even worse than it is!
    Obviously he had a life. He had family and he had friends. Just like you ? So just put a sock in it.
    So go make a pizza or something.

  2. kale ah eyna atheist eh kan ingunee eyna ge hih falhaa beleetha?

  3. dhen ingey kaley akah nukureyne kan ves magey comment visible kuraakah.

  4. heard he was a wahabi!
