Thursday, April 29, 2010

The question Darwinism and materialism will never be able to answer: what is the origin of life?

Data from the geological, geochemical, and fossil records all place impossible constraints on naturalistic scenarios. Life arose rapidly and early in Earth’s history - as soon as Earth could possible support it. Origin of life researchers recognize that life had no more than tens of millions of years to emerge. Life also appeared under amazingly harsh conditions - conditions that would not allow life to survive, let alone originate.
Earth’s first life was complex chemically… Consistent with this. Investigators have discovered that life in its most minimal form requires an astonishing number of proteins that must be spatially and temporally organized within the cell.
Many [under the leadership of militant atheist Richard Dawkins converted to the Space Religion] now speculate that life may have originated somewhere other than on Earth. read more

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